GEO5 software

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Load Analysis

The frame "Load analysis" allows us to determine the final load in the vertical direction, final load on the walers, or in the input depth (for shafts without walers). The program calculates all partial loads, multiplies them by corresponding partial factors, and shows the final load on the screen.

Calculated uniform earth pressure can be modified (in the compliance with DIN or SNIP standards) by reduction coefficient, so the former "circular" load is changed to "elliptical". It is possible to specify the way of modification (increase and decrease the load, only decrease the load) and the value of the reduction coefficient (recommended value is 25 %).

Computed load is the input for analysis of internal forces in the frame "Dimensioning". The program automatically computes the load on all walers or in input depth (shaft without walers).

Several computations can be carried out for a single task.This is very useful for determination of combinations of load cases - in the frame "Dimensioning" you can work with all here computed combinations.

The frame appearance is adjusted based on the selected verification methodology:

  • Verification according to the safety factor, or the theory of limit states - the last column in the table allows for inputting the design coefficients, which multiplies the calculated forces. These forces are displayed on the desktop and are updated for every change of data and setting in the frame.
  • Analysis according to EN 1997 - the last column in the table allows for specifying whether the load acting on a structure is considered as the secondary one. This is explained in more detail in section "Load combinations".
  • Analysis according to LRFD - in this case, the last column is not displayed.

The analysis results are displayed on the desktop and are updated immediately for an arbitrary change in input data or setting. Visualization of results can be adjusted in the frame "Drawing Settings".

Frame "Load analysis"

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